
more good things coming

It's about time the Phoenix Commotion had a real workshop, place that people can come to, drop things off, stop by for information etc. Keep in mind, I'm a volunteer here myself, so this is from my perspective. I can't be everywhere at once, can't know everything, but I do know that there is an area of land that has been a 'storage unit' of sorts that is soon going to be cleared out. Organized. Put to use that can hopefully function as a place for better utility and function. Went there today with Tod and Jared to begin clearing a few things out, Jared had worked on the first bone house got busy with school and is now offering his time during Christmas break to make a huge push for getting this site cleared and organized. It will be a boon to the Phoenix Commotion to have a headquarters! Thanks too to all of YOU who have emailed, expressing your desire to volunteer, to donate items, to let us know that you believe in what Dan is doing. It is incredible the number of emails the Phoenix Commotion has been receiving! It is astonishing to see how many people are tuned in and wanting to help in so many ways! If you have recently emailed to ask how you can help, be patient and know your emails are being answered!

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